(1) Address all the personnel and human resources affairs; and supervise all financial operations and accounts, in conformity with the applicable rules, regulations and resolutions.
(2) Coordinate with concerned authorities to take the necessary security measures relevant to headquarters premises and its branches.
(3) Maintain all the services of the Secretariat General during conferences.
(4) Perform the functions of the Technical Secretariat of the Permanent Committee for Administrative and Financial Affairs and the ad hoc committees.
(5) Coordinate with the Higher Authority for General Surveillance to control and monitor final accounts, as well as follow up on the implementation of the resolutions adopted by the Council of the League of Arab States in this regard.
(6) Participate in meetings concerned with Arab and International human and financial resources.
(7) Develop studies, draft plans for administrative and financial programs required for the Council proceedings, its organs and committees.
(8) Organize training programs and technical applications for the Secretariat General staff members.