About Council
  • The Statute of the Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity

    The Arab Ministerial Council for Electricity was instituted pursuant to the resolution of the Council of the League of Arab States number 5394, which was passed during its 101st ordinary session on 27 March 1994. It comprises ministers who are entrusted with the electricity sector in Arab nations. The Council convenes an ordinary session once every two years, during which an executive bureau, comprising eight Arab countries, is elected. The executive bureau assembles at least once every year.
    The Council executed a comprehensive overhaul of its fundamental system, which was sanctioned by the decision of the Council of the League of Arab States number 7199, in its 133rd ordinary session held on 3 March 2010. Two committees were established: the Electricity Experts Committee, which oversees issues pertaining to electricity and Arab electrical interconnection projects; and the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Experts Committee, which monitors issues related to renewable energy and oversees matters concerning production and energy efficiency.


    ​The Statute of the Arab Ministerial Council for electricity

    Available in Arabic

    The Internal Statute of the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice 2016  (Available in Arabic)

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