About Council
  • The Council of Arab Ministers of Justice

    Established in September 1982, the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice is a specialised ministerial council functioning under the League of Arab States. Its objectives are:

    1- Strengthen and consolidate collaboration among Arab nations in the legal and judicial arenas, by promoting the professional advancement of legal and judicial personnel to remain attuned to emerging trends. The council's ultimate objective is to uphold the independence and inviolability of the judiciary.

    2- The council also seeks to lend support and monitor collaborative efforts aimed at harmonising Arab legislation in accordance with Islamic Sharia law, taking into account the unique socio-cultural contexts of each member state.

    3- The council further aims to advance the development and standardisation of judicial systems, while streamlining the processes and procedures of courts to promote efficiency.

    In fulfilling its mandate, the council is supported by an executive office, comprising six members. The council may select one or two member states to join the executive office for a period of two years, if deemed necessary. The executive office is restricted to ministerial membership and convenes biannually to prepare the council's agenda and oversee the implementation of its resolutions.

    The Council of Arab Ministers of Justice operates under the supervision of the Arab Centre for Legal and Judicial Research, a specialised agency headquartered in Beirut. The centre contributes to advancing the council's objectives by conducting research and developing legal and judicial initiatives tailored to the specific needs of Arab states.

  • The Regulations of the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice

    ​The Statute of the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice

    (Available in Arabic).pdf

    The Internal Statute of the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice

    (Available in Arabic).pdf

    The Internal Regulations of the Executive Office of the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice

    (Available in Arabic)pdf

    The Statute of the Special Account of the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice

    (Available in Arabic)pdf 

    The Financial Executive Regulations of the Special Account of the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice

    (Available in Arabic).pdf

    The Regulatory Provisions of the Arab Centre for Legal and Judicial Research

    (Available in Arabic).pdf

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