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  • Aboul Gheit receives UN envoy to Yemen, affirms League support for de-escalation efforts
    التاريخ: 2024/10/22

    ​His Excellency Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, received Mr. Hans Grundberg, the United Nations Special Envoy to Yemen, on 22 October, at the General Secretariat's headquarters. The meeting addressed the multifaceted situation in Yemen, covering humanitarian, security, and political dimensions.

    Gamal Roshdy, the spokesperson for the Secretary-General, stated that Mr. Aboul Gheit reaffirmed his full support for the envoy’s efforts to reach agreements aimed at mitigating the recent economic escalation. He expressed hope that the current truce, despite its fragility, would be sustained, and emphasised the League's firm backing of the legitimate government in Yemen, along with the various efforts led by Riyadh to restore stability to the country.

    Mr. Aboul Gheit further underscored to the envoy that the evolving dynamics in the region necessitate the utmost effort to de-escalate tensions, highlighting the grave risks posed by Houthi involvement in attacks that threaten maritime trade along the Red Sea, one of the world’s most critical shipping arteries.

    The spokesperson added that the Secretary-General of the League expressed his deep concern over the ongoing deterioration of the humanitarian situation across all regions of Yemen. He stressed that a political settlement remains the only viable path to restoring the country's unity and initiating economic recovery, affirming that no faction should presume it can monopolise power. All parties, he asserted, must play a role in shaping Yemen's future.

    The spokesperson also highlighted that the League of Arab States aligns itself with the United Nations and numerous humanitarian organisations operating in Yemen in voicing grave concern over the Houthi group’s continued detention of several UN employees and humanitarian workers. Such actions, he warned, pose a severe threat to the entire humanitarian operation in the country. He called on the Houthi group to release those detained in the nearest time.

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