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  • Aboul Gheit's address at the Economic and Commercial Conference between Arab and Japanese public and private sectors
    التاريخ: 2024/07/10

    Your Excellency Mr. Ken Saito,

    Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan,

    Esteemed Ministers and heads of delegations,

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    It is my pleasure to join you today for the opening of the first day of the fifth session of the Arab-Japan Forum. This session is dedicated to enhancing exchange and partnership between the Arab and Japanese public and private sectors. Allow me to begin by extending my sincere appreciation to the Japanese government for hosting this session, and in particular, to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, as well as all our partners, for their excellent cooperation and hard work over the past period.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    The League of Arab States has been, since its establishment, committed to holding cooperation forums with key countries and major regional blocs. It is only natural that cooperation with Japan would receive special attention, given its esteemed status and advanced economy. Arab-Japanese relations are consistently on the agenda of the councils and bodies of the League of Arab States and garner significant Arab attention. These strong and enduring relations are characterised by transparency, mutual respect, and a commitment to promoting common interests.

    In the economic field, Arab-Japanese cooperation has demonstrated remarkable resilience in facing the accumulated challenges brought about by crises and tensions, despite their amount and complexity. The best evidence of this is the increase in trade exchange between the two sides, which has reached nearly $140 billion since the beginning of 2024.

    Trade exchange has remained on the positive side during a period when the world witnessed complex and dangerous crises such as COVID-19, the Ukrainian war, tensions on the Korean Peninsula, and the American-Chinese competition in Southeast Asia. Additionally, serious crises have struck several Arab countries, resulting in profound negative effects that continue to impact development, investment, and global shipping traffic. The Arab region is a major crossing point for global trade, with key passages like the Suez Canal, Bab Al-Mandab, and the Strait of Hormuz. These crises have also affected the Arab energy sector, significantly impacting global markets, given the region's role as a major resource in this field.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    Arab-Japanese economic relations are characterised by vitality and diversity, thanks to the dedication of both sides to nurture them. I highly appreciate the significant interest that the Japanese government shows in enhancing cooperation with Arab countries across all sectors.

    I commend Japan's active engagement, particularly in recent times, which has included the Japanese Prime Minister's visits to several Arab countries. These visits have led to the signing of numerous partnership and cooperation agreements. Examples include the agreement with the Government of Iraq to finance small and medium enterprises, agreements with the Saudi Ministry of Investment, energy agreements with the United Arab Emirates, a technical cooperation agreement to establish the Japanese education system in Egypt, and cooperation in the field of water with Jordan. Furthermore, Japan's financial support to the Palestinian economy and UNRWA is invaluable. This support should be expanded rather than restricted, contrary to the agenda promoted by the occupying state.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    Government cooperation, despite its importance, is not the sole determinant of Arab-Japanese economic relations. The private sector remains a crucial actor in enhancing trade exchange between the two sides. Therefore, I call for strengthening the partnership between the government and private sectors, as well as between companies from both regions.

    In this regard, I urge the Japanese government to continue encouraging Japanese companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, to expand their operations in the Arab region. Likewise, I call on Arab companies to seize the opportunities presented by the Japanese market.

    We all look forward to elevating our partnership to a strategic level that aligns with the aspirations of our peoples and the economic potential of both sides. There are numerous areas where we can achieve significant progress, such as partnerships in education, energy transformation, digital technology, health, artificial intelligence, and more.

    In this context, I believe this forum can play a pivotal role in promoting partnership opportunities in these areas and advancing the Arab-Japanese partnership in the coming period. I assure you of our readiness to work with you to develop effective mechanisms.

    In conclusion, I extend my appreciation one more time to everyone who contributed to the successful preparation of this forum, and I wish everyone success.

    Thank you.

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