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  • Ambassador Hossam Zaki concludes an official visit to Lebanon
    التاريخ: 2024/06/28

    Ambassador Hossam Zaki, Assistant Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, concluded an official visit to Lebanon on the evening of 27 June, personally delegated by Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League.

    During the visit, Ambassador Zaki held several meetings with President Nabih Berri, Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, and President Najib Mikati, Prime Minister of the Caretaker Government. He also conducted consultations with political and parliamentary leaders from across the Lebanese political spectrum and met with the Army Commander.

    The Assistant Secretary-General stated that the visit was intended to show solidarity with Lebanon and its people. He explained that the visit had two main aspects. The first pertained to the escalation in southern Lebanon, where the country faces serious challenges that threaten its security and stability, as well as that of the entire region if the conflict on the southern borders escalates. He emphasised the solidarity of the League of Arab States with Lebanon and its people, noting that this position is affirmed by the resolutions of the Council of the League of Arab States.

    Ambassador Zaki added that adherence to Security Council Resolution 1701 is essential to contain the current escalation. He noted that the Secretary-General had warned, since the outbreak of the brutal war on Gaza, about the dangers of this conflict expanding to other countries in the region, including Lebanon. The Ambassador stressed the need for the international community to fulfil its responsibility to stop the raging war, as there is no way to contain the current escalation in southern Lebanon without achieving a complete ceasefire, which also includes halting the confrontations in southern Lebanon.

    He explained that the second part of the visit, equally important, relates to the presidential vacancy that has persisted for over 19 months. He stressed during all his meetings with Lebanese leaders the necessity of breaking the stalemate in this crucial matter, calling for the national interest to be prioritised above any other considerations and for the resumption of the constitutional process for electing the President of the Republic. The Ambassador highlighted the seriousness of the current situation, which exacerbates the challenges facing state institutions and limits their ability to fulfil their duties towards the Lebanese people.

    At the conclusion of his visit, Ambassador Zaki expressed that the League of Arab States greatly relies on the wisdom of Lebanese leaders and their full awareness of the severe challenges facing Lebanon at both political and field levels. He affirmed the League’s full readiness to assist Lebanon in any way that would help the country navigate this difficult period safely.

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