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  • Aboul Gheit welcomes UNGA resolution reinforcing Palestine's eligibility for UN membership
    التاريخ: 2024/05/11

    Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, welcomed the resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) yesterday with an overwhelming majority. The resolution recommends a positive reconsideration by the Security Council regarding Palestine's membership and asserts that Palestinians are fully eligible for membership in the United Nations.

    Gamal Roshdy, the spokesperson for the League’s Secretary-General, quoted Aboul Gheit as stating that the resounding vote in favour of the resolution vividly reflects the global consensus and international public opinion. He emphasised that the General Assembly's voice was resolute and unmistakable, making it challenging for any party to disregard its significance or turn a blind eye to it.

    Mr. Aboul Gheit underscored that countries advocating for the two-state solution must expedite their efforts to translate this vision into reality. He highlighted that the recognition of the Palestinian state and its attainment of full membership in the United Nations are crucial steps towards this goal. These actions place Palestine in its rightful position and affirm its eligibility for statehood. Moreover, they send a vital message of support to the Palestinians, who are enduring a grave tragedy, and demonstrate that the world acknowledges their plight and is committed to halting the ongoing massacre against them.

    The official spokesperson underscored that Israel's representatives' dismissive response to the overwhelming voice of the General Assembly reflects the occupying state's true stance on the international system's rules, the United Nations, and the norms and laws it embodies. He stressed the importance of sustaining diplomatic pressure to expose parties that continue to provide political cover for Israel within the United Nations, particularly within the Security Council.

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