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  • Aboul Gheit condemns Israeli attacks on Rafah and UNRWA HQ in Jerusalem
    التاريخ: 2024/05/10

    ​Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, vehemently condemned the recent successive attacks carried out by Israel on the densely populated city of Rafah over the past two days. These attacks have resulted in casualties and the displacement of tens of thousands of individuals who now find themselves living without the basic necessities of life along the shore. Mr. Aboul Gheit characterised this as yet another crime added to the long list of offences committed by the occupying state, which persists in ignoring reason, even from its closest allies.

    Gamal Roshdy, the spokesperson for the League’s Secretary-General, quoted Mr. Aboul Gheit as stating that the ongoing Israeli manoeuvres to obstruct reaching an agreement for a ceasefire and the exchange of prisoners have become evident to all. He emphasised that the occupying state is solely focused on exacting full revenge against the residents of Gaza, disregarding any humanitarian or legal considerations.

    Mr. Aboul Gheit stressed that the global community has united in calling for an immediate halt to this ongoing massacre. He underscored that it is unacceptable for the political ambitions of one individual or the internal policies of the occupying state to obstruct a clear global consensus and international will.

    Meanwhile, the official spokesperson for the Secretary-General condemned the assault by Israeli extremists on the UNRWA headquarters in East Jerusalem, resulting in its closure. He underscored that this attack constitutes a blatant violation of international law, which mandates the protection of UN facilities. The spokesperson highlighted that this attack exposes the ongoing agenda of the occupying state to undermine the role of the international agency across all its operations, aiming to weaken the Palestinian refugee community and exact further revenge against Palestinian civilians.

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