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  • Aboul Gheit receives a message from Abu Mazen
    التاريخ: 2024/02/28

    Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, received Ambassador Muhannad Al-Aklouk, the representative of the State of Palestine to the League, on 28 February at the headquarters of the General Secretariat. Ambassador Al-Aklouk brought a written message from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen).

    Gamal Roshdy, the spokesman for the Secretary-General, stated that the letter included a categorical Palestinian rejection of the principles announced by the Israeli Prime Minister for the so-called "day after" of the war, and a warning of the danger of what was stated in these principles, especially in terms of denying the existence of the Palestinian people and insisting on imposing Israeli sovereignty on the entire land extending from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River. This confirms the Israeli government’s intentions to recolonise the Gaza Strip and perpetuate the occupation in the West Bank and East Jerusalem through plans to build thousands of settlement units.

    Roshdy added that the letter warned that the goal of the extremist Israeli government is not only to undermine the chances of peace based on the two-state solution but also to intensify episodes of ethnic cleansing and displacement of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem.

    The spokesman explained that President Abu Mazen’s message conveyed an affirmation that the Gaza Strip is an integral part of the State of Palestine. The Palestinian Authority is ready to assume the responsibilities of governance in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem, and it is prepared to work towards establishing security and peace, as well as stability in the region within the framework of a comprehensive peace plan.

    The letter appealed to the Secretary-General to continue working for a ceasefire, the complete withdrawal of Israeli occupation forces from the Gaza Strip, the provision of humanitarian aid, the return of displaced individuals to their homes in the north, prevention of their displacement, and a halt to the Israeli government’s plans and practices aiming to maintain Israel’s control and establish its presence in the Gaza Strip.

    Roshdy said that the message also included an appeal to the League of Arab States to support Palestine in obtaining full membership in the United Nations through a decision of the UN Security Council. It urged countries that have not yet recognised Palestine to do so and called for an international conference to approve a comprehensive peace plan with international guarantees and a timetable for ending the Israeli occupation of the land of the State of Palestine, with its capital in Jerusalem, along the 1967 lines.

    The official spokesman quoted Secretary-General Mr. Aboul Gheit as confirming during the meeting that he would continue to work to achieve all the goals mentioned in the Palestinian President’s message, most notably an immediate ceasefire, working to bring aid in urgently and sustainably, and standing with full force against the displacement plan.

    Mr. Aboul Gheit also stressed that stopping the brutal war remains a fundamental priority for the League of Arab States and its countries. He added that the displacement plan is rejected by the Palestinians, Arabs, and the world. Addressing the humanitarian catastrophe caused by the Israeli aggression cannot be achieved in isolation from a settlement carrying a political horizon for the emergence of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. He emphasised that the Palestinians are capable of governing themselves, and the continuation of the occupation is no longer possible. The two-state solution remains the only formula capable of achieving security, peace, and stability between Palestinians and Israelis in the region and the world.

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