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  • League of Arab States welcomes agreement on release of prisoners and abductees in Yemen
    التاريخ: 2023/03/22

    According to Gamal Roshdy, the official spokesman for the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, the recent agreement between the Yemeni parties regarding the release of prisoners and abductees is a positive development that can help build confidence between the parties. Roshdy expressed hope that this agreement will be followed up and reinforced with other steps in the near future, underscoring the crucial importance of sustained efforts towards achieving a comprehensive and lasting peace in Yemen.

    In addition to welcoming the recent agreement between the Yemeni parties on the release of prisoners and abductees, Roshdy, reiterated his deep concern for the suffering of all prisoners and abductees in Yemen. He expressed his sincere hope that this agreement would pave the way for further steps towards improving the dire humanitarian conditions in the country, where millions have suffered as a result of the long-standing conflict. Roshdy underscored the urgent need for sustained efforts towards achieving a comprehensive and inclusive peace in Yemen, which would enable all Yemenis to live in safety, security, and dignity.

    The official spokesman for the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States emphasised that the holy month of Ramadan is a time to embrace the values of tolerance, compassion, and peace. He expressed a heartfelt wish that this month would inspire initiatives to secure the release of more prisoners and to redouble efforts to alleviate the humanitarian difficulties faced by the population, particularly in conflict-affected areas. He underscored the urgent need for concerted action to address the root causes of conflict and to promote sustainable peace, stability, and prosperity in the region.

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