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  • Aboul Gheit meets with Chief Cabinet Secretary, Foreign Minister, and Chairperson of Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee of House of Peers during visit to Japan
    Date: 10/07/2024
    Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, met on 10 July with Mr. Yoshimasa Hayashi, Chief Cabinet Secretary and Acting Prime Minister of Japan, during his first official visit to Japan.

    Gamal Roshdy, the spokesman for the Secretary-General, stated that during the meeting, Mr. Aboul Gheit praised the depth of historical relations between Japan and the Arab world. He emphasised the commitment of the League of Arab States and its member states to advancing various areas of Arab-Japanese cooperation, noting the strong economic and commercial ties between the two sides. The spokesman added that the meeting covered regional and international issues of mutual interest, aimed at boosting cooperation between the Arab world and Japan.

    The spokesman referred to discussions held between Mr. Aboul Gheit and Ms. Yoko Kamikawa, Japan's Minister of Foreign Affairs. During these talks, the Secretary-General expressed his gratitude for the Japanese efforts in ensuring the success of the fifth session of the Arab-Japan Economic Forum, which was established in 2009 and hosted by Tokyo. He highlighted the importance of regularly holding events related to Arab-Japanese cooperation in various fields to strengthen this partnership further.
    The spokesman added that the Foreign Minister stressed the importance of bolstering cooperation between the two sides, referencing the memorandum of Arab-Japanese cooperation in the political field concluded in 2013. The Minister highlighted the significance of holding the fourth session of the ministerial meeting for the Arab-Japanese political dialogue in 2025 at a mutually agreed venue.

    Roshdy noted that the meeting included an exchange of views on key issues of common concern in the Middle East, particularly the deteriorating situation in the Gaza Strip. There was a warning about the potential expansion of the conflict into a regional confrontation, with serious repercussions for the stability of the Middle East and global security. Mr. Aboul Gheit urged the Japanese side to recognise the State of Palestine, stressing that such recognition could significantly influence other countries and help improve the deteriorating conditions there.

    The Secretary-General also expressed gratitude to the Japanese side for its assistance to the Palestinian people through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). He highlighted the crucial role of UNRWA in alleviating the suffering of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

    The spokesman further mentioned that Mr. Aboul Gheit met with Ms. Onoda Kimi, Chairwoman of the Foreign Affairs and Chairperson of the Committee of the Japanese House of Peers. They discussed various issues of mutual interest, including the trade exchange between Arab countries and Japan, which has reached approximately $140 billion since the beginning of 2024. Mr. Aboul Gheit provided a comprehensive overview of the regional situation and listened to the Japanese perspective on the importance of digital transformation and its significant impact on development.
    WhatsApp Image 2024-07-10 at 5.48.09 PM.jpeg WhatsApp Image 2024-07-10 at 5.35.08 PM.jpeg

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