  • Counsellor Jaber Al-Murri, Chairman of the Arab Human Rights Committee, visits the Foreign Ministry of Morocco

    ​Ambassador Ismail Shakouri, the Director of the Comprehensive Issues Department, and Ambassador Fouad Akhraif, the Director of the Mashreq, Gulf and Arab and Islamic Organisations at the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Expatriate Moroccans received Counsellor Gaber Al-Murri, the Chairman of the Arab Human Rights Committee.

    The meeting was chiefly focused on the Kingdom of Morocco's undertakings pertaining to human rights, encompassing its engagement in various international and regional forums. Counsellor Al-Marri expounded on the current status of the Arab Charter for Human Rights' ratification and initiated a discussion concerning the likelihood of the Kingdom of Morocco acceding to it.

    The hosts received Counsellor Al-Marri's suggestions with gratitude and acknowledged that the Kingdom of Morocco is actively involved in this sphere. They recognised the forthcoming ratification of the Charter, while emphasising the necessity of fulfilling certain internal procedures, which they aim to accomplish at the earliest opportunity.


<June 2024>
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