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  • Aboul Gheit meets Somalia Foreign Minister
    التاريخ: 2024/06/30

    Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, met with Mr. Ahmed Moallim Fiqi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Federal Somalia, on 29 June during the latter’s stop in Cairo. The meeting focused on developments in Somalia and the Horn of Africa region.

    Gamal Roshdy, the spokesman for the Secretary-General, stated that the meeting is part of the ongoing consultation and coordination between the General Secretariat and Somalia on key issues, particularly the support for Somalia's sovereignty and stability. This includes the agreement between the Somaliland region and Ethiopia, on which the League of Arab States has issued resolutions.

    The spokesman added that the Secretary-General emphasised the League's commitment to supporting Somalia in the face of any pressures or challenges that threaten its sovereignty and territorial integrity. He noted that this commitment has been reiterated in all relevant resolutions by the League, and includes support for all efforts by the federal government to strengthen and activate national dialogue to achieve the interests and aspirations of the Somali people.

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