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  • Aboul Gheit calls for adopting positive mindset with Gaza ceasefire proposals
    التاريخ: 2024/06/04

    Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, expressed his appreciation for the mediation efforts made by the United States, Egypt, and Qatar in achieving a comprehensive ceasefire in Gaza. He emphasised the importance of ensuring the entry of aid into the Strip, as well as the release of prisoners and detainees from both sides.

    In response to the proposal put forward by US President Biden for a ceasefire, Mr. Aboul Gheit told the media that "it is crucial to assess the seriousness and response of the occupying force.  The dire humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip requires the Palestinian side to rise above the pain and sorrow caused by the brutal Israeli aggression and think with a positive mindset about the proposal to end the aggression, alleviate the suffering of Palestinian civilians, facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid, and initiate the reconstruction process to restore what has been devastated and demolished by the Israeli war machine."

    The Secretary-General further emphasised the need to "put an end to the humanitarian catastrophe resulting from the Israeli aggression, which includes the complete withdrawal of occupation forces from the Gaza Strip, the return of displaced individuals to their areas, and the commencement of a reconstruction process." He stressed that these actions should be carried out "as part of a comprehensive plan to implement the two-state solution, in accordance with relevant Security Council resolutions, with a specific timeline and binding guarantees."

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