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  • Statement of the League of Arab States delivered by Ambassador Hossam Zaki, Assistant Secretary-General, during the UN Security Council Ministerial Session on the permanent agenda item titled: "The Situation in the Middle East, Including the Question of P
    التاريخ: 2024/04/18

    Your Excellency Mr. Ian Borg,

    Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Malta

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Representatives of the Distinguished Council Members,

    After a six-month wait, the Security Council has taken action by issuing Resolution No. 2728, mandating an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the facilitation of humanitarian aid through all land crossings. However, the resilient people of Gaza still await the implementation of this decision, while the occupying power persists in flouting your council's will, rejecting it, and perpetuating its brutal assault aimed at decimating both lives and infrastructure in Gaza. What steps does the council intend to take in response?

    The continuation of this war will inevitably expand the conflict and draw in additional parties, with consequences that are challenging to contain. This is a scenario we have long cautioned against since the outset of the war.

    While the urgent priority remains halting the violence in Gaza, providing essential relief to its inhabitants teetering on the edge of famine, and facilitating the immediate return of displaced people to their towns and homes, we must not lose sight of the looming spectre of renewed hostilities and a resurgence of violence in the future if a lasting agreement is not achieved. Therefore, it is imperative to establish a clear mechanism for addressing the Palestinian cause, one that leads to the implementation of a two-state solution.

    Over the past three decades, numerous approaches and endeavours have been undertaken in pursuit of a settlement, only to encounter a formidable obstacle in Israel's steadfast insistence on maintaining its occupation of Palestinian territories. This occupation has progressively assumed increasingly brutal and extreme manifestations, culminating in a government dominated by settlers and extremists dedicated to safeguarding the expansion of settler colonies in the West Bank at the expense of the Palestinian population. Furthermore, Israel has openly declared its rejection of a two-state solution, enacting laws and garnering international support to advance its agenda.

    Today, the international community, through the collective will of bodies such as your esteemed Council, calls for decisive action more urgently than ever before. The alternative is to acquiesce to this deplorable reality, with the looming spectre of renewed violence, bloodshed, and the further escalation of the conflict, as witnessed only days ago.

    Hence, I implore your distinguished council to recognize the situation for what it truly is: the Israeli occupation shows no signs of relinquishing land and control voluntarily. On the contrary, it grows increasingly extremist and racist over time, openly pursuing the annexation of all land from the river to the sea and the establishment of an apartheid state, all while the international community remains complicit through its silence and sluggishness in taking decisive action to halt the genocidal crimes perpetrated by Israel in its unlawful war against Palestinian civilians.

    Mr. President,

    As a representative of the League of Arab States, I wish to convey to your esteemed council our firm belief that the Palestinian people have unequivocally demonstrated their eligibility to establish an independent state and attain full membership in the United Nations. We assert that Palestine fully satisfies the criteria outlined in the Montevideo Convention of 1933 for statehood. Therefore, any discussion of delaying the implementation of this mandate is not only an affront to Palestinian aspirations for independence but also undermines the legitimate rights of a people with a rich cultural heritage who seek nothing more than freedom and sovereignty after enduring decades of subjugation under an oppressive military occupation.

    It is pertinent to note that your Council, subsequent to the issuance of the historic Resolution No. 181 by the General Assembly advocating for the partition of Palestine, recommended granting full United Nations membership to Israel in Resolution No. 69 dated 4 March 1949. Why, then, are certain entities now attempting to impede the execution of the second part of Resolution No. 181, employing flimsy pretexts to hinder the international community's efforts on this matter? We contend that your distinguished Council must assume its full responsibility in this regard and refrain from obstructing the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people for independence and full membership in the United Nations, akin to numerous other peoples who have recently attained such recognition.

    Furthermore, Palestine's attainment of full membership status would ensure that any prospective negotiations with the occupying power occur on an equitable legal footing, depriving the occupier of its undue influence to impede the establishment and international recognition of the Palestinian state. Therefore, the League of Arab States urges the distinguished Council to acknowledge the statehood of Palestine and extend its membership in the international organisation, viewing this as a pathway to peace rather than an impediment, as perpetuated by those who align with the logic and narrative of the occupation.

    Mr. President,

    There are concerted efforts underway to undermine UNRWA, casting doubt on its neutrality and the professionalism of its leadership, while also attempting to curtail its funding and dissuade countries from contributing to its budget. We vehemently oppose these endeavours in their entirety and eagerly anticipate the day when the Palestinian people no longer rely on UNRWA's services, having attained their long-awaited independence. Until then, this agency, established by a UN resolution in 1949, must persist in its vital mission of providing relief, sustenance, and employment opportunities to millions of Palestinian refugees.

    Mr. President,

    The ongoing atrocities in Gaza constitute a flagrant assault on the moral and legal foundations of the international order. Silence in the face of such crimes jeopardises the legitimacy of this order and undermines the credibility of this Council. We urge the Council to uphold its resolutions and take decisive action. It is imperative to preserve its credibility in the eyes of the Arab world and all those who stand against injustice, advocating for the legitimate rights of Palestinians to live free and dignified lives, liberated from the brutal clutches of occupation.

    Thank you Mr. President.

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