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  • Aboul Gheit's speech at the sixth Arab-Russian Cooperation Forum 20 December 2023
    التاريخ: 2023/12/20

    ​Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, delivered a speech at the sixth session of the Arab-Russian Cooperation Forum held today in Marrakesh, the Kingdom of Morocco.

    The address:

    Your Excellency Mr. Nasser Bourita,
    The Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs and African Cooperation and Moroccans Residing Abroad

    Your Excellency Mr. Sergei Lavrov,
    Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

    Your Excellencies,

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    At the outset, I express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the Kingdom of Morocco for graciously hosting the sixth session of the Arab-Russian Cooperation Forum in the Red City, the ancient city of Marrakesh.

    Today marks two decades since the initiation of cooperation between the League of Arab States and the Russian Federation, marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding in 2003. Additionally, it has been 10 years since the inception of the Arab-Russian Cooperation Forum in Moscow in 2013.

    The League of Arab States highly values this enduring cooperation across various levels with the Russian Federation, recognising it as an active international partner. This partnership is grounded in a long history of political relations and shared historical and cultural components, forming a robust foundation to strengthen our ties and collectively confront common crises and challenges.

    Arab-Russian relations, characterised by close cooperation and mutual trust, have demonstrated their effectiveness throughout history. The League of Arab States remains committed to further developing and deepening these relations.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    The relationship with Russia is built on principles of equality, mutual respect, and a shared understanding of issues of concern for each party. The Arab region has faced significant security and political challenges in recent years, with some countries experiencing severe upheavals. Overcoming these complex crises in Syria, Yemen, Sudan, and Somalia necessitates understanding and cooperation from major international powers, including Russia, which is a genuine partner for many of our countries, given our shared geography, history, and a legacy of close political cooperation.

    Despite various challenges in the region, the Palestinian cause remains a central concern and a profound wound in the heart of our nation. The ongoing crime against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is alarming, from the unjust killing of thousands, predominantly women and children, to the deliberate destruction of vital infrastructure, including hospitals and schools. The forced displacement and expulsion of people from their homes underscore a level of savagery and departure from civilisation that we believed humanity had moved beyond.

    The Gaza crime committed by the Israeli occupation is not only a stain on its reputation but also a stain on anyone who has endorsed, supported, or remained silent about these crimes. There is no term more fitting for the events in Gaza than a massacre—a campaign of extermination and ethnic cleansing.

    Anyone opposing an immediate ceasefire in Gaza bears the responsibility for the bloodshed of innocent lives lost without crime or guilt.

    The occupation's clear plan is to destroy the Palestinian community in Gaza, eliminate the possibilities of life in the Strip for an extended period, or forcibly displace its people, aiming to separate them from their land and bring an end to the Palestinian cause, a goal that will never materialise.

    We highly appreciate the countries that, from the outset, chose to stand on the right side of history, accurately naming the situation and expressing a balanced position. This position emphasises that the occupation and its continuation are the core of the problem, tracing the origins of the issue much earlier than 7 October .

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    In addressing the ongoing Arab crises, the armed confrontation in Sudan has unfortunately escalated, with an increasing human and material cost since last April. We continue to hope for the prevalence of wisdom, prioritising the highest interests of the Sudanese homeland, its national institutions, and the well-being of its venerable people.

    We advocate for the continuation of the political solution in Libya, supporting the Libyans in achieving their goals of stabilising their country and restoring its sovereignty and security.

    In addressing the Yemeni crisis, we call for a peaceful resolution for the benefit of its people and the security of the region, particularly amid serious threats in the Red Sea region.

    We endorse any efforts to address the causes and repercussions of the Syrian crisis. Specifically, we emphasise the importance of ongoing collaboration between the Arab Liaison Committee and Syria to make progress on issues outlined in relevant League Council decisions.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    The Russian Federation has consistently supported the positions of Arab peoples in international forums. We anticipate increased coordination and cooperation to address various challenges, including terrorism, nuclear non-proliferation, water security, international information security, environmental concerns, and more.

    Arab-Russian relations extend beyond the political and strategic dimension into the economic field, witnessing significant growth. Despite being less than what we aspire to, the historical, cultural, and political ties, coupled with the capabilities and promising economic opportunities, make Arab-Russian relations robust. The trade exchange volume between the two sides, starting at $3.5 billion in 2003, rose to $14 billion in 2013 with the forum's launch, reaching over $22 billion by the end of 2022.

    The potential for accomplishment remains significant, especially when compared to other countries and groups cooperating with the League of Arab States. I call for the encouragement and support of the Arab-Russian Business Council, urging the active participation of the private sector, Arab and Russian businessmen, and investors to achieve more for the benefit of our peoples and foster a constructive partnership serving both parties' interests.

    Cultural and scientific cooperation demands greater attention and joint efforts, placing it on our priority list to deepen the bonds between Arab countries and the Russian Federation. Reiterating the importance of implementing the proposal to establish an Arab cultural centre in Moscow, approved at the third session of the forum, I propose forming a joint committee to study all aspects related to this centre's establishment. This initiative aims to further cooperation in cultural and scientific fields, enhancing the closeness between Arab and Russian peoples.

    In conclusion, we anticipate tangible and fruitful results that will represent a breakthrough in our relations across all fields, benefiting both sides and propelling our relations to broader horizons. We eagerly look forward to the seventh ministerial meeting in the Russian Federation to continue our collective cooperation and serve our common interests.

    Thank you.

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